Your mind is like a muscle, meaning it’s possible to broaden your mind’s powers in order to improve capacity, ability and skill. Capacity refers to the hardware we need to execute a task and whether the mind can handle that task without excessive stress. Ability refers to whether we can engage in an action to […]
Mental Health During COVID-19
Mental and relationship health issues are on the rise with COVID-19. The coronavirus era is causing additional stress, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness and relationship problems. Click below to read our mental health column in Austin Fit Magazine for the month of June highlighting common issues and how to address them, and reach out if we can […]
Mental Health in the Workplace
It might go without saying that employees in the workplace should be happy and healthy. In a recent article in Tribeza, our own colleague, Tracy Carver, PhD., was commended for working with local bartenders to increase mental health in the workplace. There are many challenges that bartenders, and any service industry worker, faces on a […]
3 Reasons to Get Excited About Austin Psychiatrists
Written by Scott McElroy. If you live in Austin – this beautiful city that we’re so lucky to call home – and you’re starting to feel like you may want to talk to someone about something that’s going on in your life or if you’re noticing that you’re depressed and stressed and anxious about what […]
How to Find a Great Therapist
Finding a great therapist can take time, trial and error and asking around to find out who people recommend. It may be advisable to try something different if you feel stuck in the work or like it’s not a great fit. A great therapist offers a safe place to talk about your deepest thoughts and […]
Why Are Relationships Hard?
Relationships are one of the most important parts of our lives and help determine our happiness, health, well-being, longevity and resilience in life. A great relationship can be healing. A difficult relationship can cause high levels of stress, frustration and overwhelm–even hopelessness. We seem to choose partners that are similar to use in some ways, […]
What is Comprehensive Wellness?
We throw around terms like optimal wellness, holistic and integrative care, wholeness of body, mind and spirit and human optimization, but what does comprehensive wellness really entail? It is now well-established in the scientific community that mental health, relationship health and physical health are linked in important ways. It is difficult to optimize our bodies […]
Getting Outside Of Your Comfort Zone
Getting outside your comfort zone is valuable. It’s a primary way that the mind and brain reset, learn, grow and develop new insights for your life. There are many ways that we intentionally take ourselves outside of our comfort zones. Sometimes we travel to experience different cultures and ways of doing things, to learn new […]
The Science of Mental Health
Ailments of the mind are often perceived differently than ailments of the body, yet modern science now understands how connected they are. Physical issues seem more acceptable to talk about, but as mental health awareness gains ground, we are more able to discuss issues of mind and emotions like we do those of the body.
How To Create A Loving Home
It’s always a good time to deepen the love in your home. Whether you live alone, with family, with a spouse or kids, creating a tender, warm, loving sense of home is helpful to our health and well-being. Some say that our home is the love we share with others more than the structure we […]