APC staff therapist Peter Craig was interviewed for a member spotlight by leading therapy association Austin IN (interpersonal neurobiology) Connection. Great job, Peter!
How to Practice Mindfulness in your Relationship Right Now
by Peter Craig Wish you had less conflict and more connection in your intimate relationships? With your kids, partner, or family members? Most of us want to have more love and less war, so what gets in the way? Neuroscience has taught us that we automate our reality and reactions in order to manage the […]
Nature Boosts Mental & Emotional Health
Our Sept article on Austin Fit Magazine’s blog is all about the benefits of nature and some tips for how to get more from the great outdoors to benefit your mental and emotional health! Check it out: http://www.austinfitmagazine.com/Nature-Boosts-Your-Mental-And-Emotional-Health/
Part 3 – Austin Fit Magazine Series
The grande finale of our Austin Fit Magazine series on how to have an awesome relationship! Part 3 is worth reading and offers some very practical tips for more connection and deeper love over the long-term in your relationship! Austin therapists John Howard and Peter Craig draw on the latest neuroscience to make getting better […]
Relationship Health Part II – Austin Fit Magazine
John Howard & Peter Craig describe 3 powerful tips to take your connection with your partner to the next level! These neuroscience-based tips are easy to implement and will make a difference right away! Check them out! Click Here to Read Part II in Austin Fit Magazine Or Click Here: http://www.austinfitmagazine.com/May-2018/Relationship-Health-Part-2-How-to-Deepen-Connection/
Relationship Health Part I – Austin Fit Magazine
Check out Part I of our 3-part series in Austin Fit Magazine on how to take your relationship health to the next level with the latest science! You’ll learn how to see relationship health as part of your overall wellness, the principle of quality over quantity in relationships, and a cool hack from the neuroscience […]
Reducing Anxiety
Anxiety is a common ailment. Estimates are that at any one time approximately 20% of the population is struggling with anxiety. Anxiety comes in many forms, from social anxiety at dinner parties or Board meetings, to chronic anxiety that underlies everyday living. There can be anxiety around intimacy, relationship, or emotional intensity. Anxiety can be […]
How to Feel Closer To Your Partner in 8 Steps, Based on Neuroscience
By Peter Craig, MA It seems as though we are witnessing a crisis of dis-connection. We have more relationships in this global digital age, but are they more meaningful? We may have many friends on Facebook, but perhaps barely feel like we can call anyone on a daily basis to share our struggle. This has […]
Heal Depression
Many people get confused about depression, partly due to societal stigma, ignorance, and outdated research/conventional wisdom. Depression is now considered more of a physiological illness than a psychological one. It it no different than any other physical disease you might get and need to treat. There are many types of depression, so if you think […]
Spiritual Development
What is spiritual development? Is it the development of your innermost connection to the Divine, however you define your spiritual outlook and experience. In addition to thoughts, emotions and physical experience, many people relate to a spiritual dimension of experience–an inner, sacred way that we communicate and commune with the Divine. For others, spirituality represents […]